AuroraXR®: Groundbreaking Cross Reality Information Mediation
Helping Developers Deliver the Most Robust Solution to Their Clients

Our flagship product, AuroraXR®, offers a suite of features designed to enable the creation of data-rich, high-performing extended-reality environments. Its modular server swarm architecture is built to be highly scalable and has robust capacity for many users. AuroraXR® is portable across multiple platforms and architectures. The server can run on a single Raspberry Pi, on a cluster of standard servers, or orchestrated in the cloud. We offer a Unity API that can deploy to Windows, Linux, Mac, and VR headsets like Meta Quest 3, Microsoft HoloLens, and any OpenXR-capable platform.
The AuroraXR® framework was developed in collaboration with DEVCOM US Army Research Laboratory, where data security is critical. They required the ability to fuse data from sensors, databases, and live data feeds to create immersive environments to enhance decision making. Now, all users enjoy these capabilities when they build their mission-critical applications in AuroraXR®. Multi-layered encryption provides perfect-forward-secrecy to help ensure the confidentiality of your data
Cutting-Edge Features to Advance Your Mission

AuroraXR® Tactical/Team Data Manager (ATDM)
This feature is exclusive to the US Government and its contractors. The ATDM interfaces with Tactical Assault Kit and Team Awareness Kit (TAK) compatible servers, providing real-time, bi-directional data flows. These integrations allow extended-reality users to send and receive Position Location Information (PLI), Spot Reports, and tactical graphics, and other TAK-formatted data.

AuroraXR® Robotics Data Manager (ARDM)
This system represents Robot Operating System (ROS) data flows as Extended Reality (XR) Objects. In doing so, it allows bi-directional data flows between users, systems, and ROS entities.

AuroraXR® Robot Operating System (ROS) Bridge
The ROS Bridge allows for secure communication between other ROS networks as well as automatic topic detection and dynamic discovery of remote data sources. The AuroraXR® ROS Bridge supports distributed connectivity of pub/sub channels, services, and actions.

US Government Allies
We are proud to have worked closely with the DEVCOM US Army Research Laboratory in developing AuroraXR®, and supporting key USG efforts is a continued passion. The latest version of the software suite is available under Government Purchase Rights at no cost to USG customers. US Government contractors can also obtain free software licenses.
Aurora XR® In Action
Helping DEVCOM US Army Research Laboratory to Revolutionize Tactical C2
Our work with the DEVCOM US Army Research Laboratory proved highly impactful. Together with the Laboratory, we developed many capability demonstrators and research platforms to explore the future of immersive command and control (C2). We specifically focused on Brigade and lower echelons. This work is revolutionizing how Combined Arms Rehearsals, Mission Execution, and After Action Reviews are done.

Mission Support
Our team is here to help make your mission a reality. We are passionate about ensuring AuroraXR®’s capabilities empower you to reach your goals. Contact us to learn how we can help.